Mantras and Meanings- MADHURASHTAKAM


Madhurāṣṭakam: The Hymn of Sweetness


  • The Madhurāṣṭakam is a devotional hymn composed by the great Vaishnavite saint and philosopher Vallabhacharya.
  • It is dedicated to Lord Krishna and celebrates his divine sweetness in all aspects of his being and actions.
  • The hymn consists of eight verses (ashtakam) that poetically describe Krishna's enchanting qualities.


  1. अधरं मधुरं वदनं मधुरं नयनं मधुरं हसितं मधुरम्।
    हृदयं मधुरं गमनं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

  2. वचनं मधुरं चरितं मधुरं वसनं मधुरं वलितं मधुरम्।
    चलितं मधुरं भ्रमितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

  3. वेणुर्मधुरो रेणुर्मधुरः पाणिर्मधुरः पादौ मधुरौ।
    नृत्यं मधुरं सख्यं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

  4. गीतं मधुरं पीतं मधुरं भुक्तं मधुरं सुप्तं मधुरम्।
    रूपं मधुरं तिलकं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

  5. करणं मधुरं तरणं मधुरं हरणं मधुरं रमणं मधुरम्।
    वमितं मधुरं शमितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

  6. गुन्जा मधुरा माला मधुरा यमुना मधुरा वीचिः मधुरा।
    सलिलं मधुरं कमलं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

  7. गोपी मधुरा लीला मधुरा युक्तं मधुरं मुक्तं मधुरम्।
    दृष्टं मधुरं शिष्टं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

  8. गोपा मधुरा गावो मधुरा यष्टिर्मधुरा सृष्टिर्मधुरा।
    दलितं मधुरं फलितं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम्॥

Verse-by-Verse Breakdown:

  1. Verse 1: Sweetness of Krishna's Physical Features

    • Original Sanskrit: "Adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram"
    • Meaning: His lips are sweet, his face is sweet, his eyes are sweet, and his smile is sweet.
    • Reflection: This verse captures the captivating physical beauty of Krishna, highlighting how every part of his appearance exudes charm.
  2. Verse 2: Sweetness of Krishna's Actions

    • Original Sanskrit: "Vachanam madhuram charitam madhuram vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram"
    • Meaning: His words are sweet, his character is sweet, his attire is sweet, his actions are sweet.
    • Reflection: It emphasizes the sweetness of Krishna's speech, his noble deeds, his elegant attire, and his graceful movements.
  3. Verse 3: Sweetness in Krishna's Movements

    • Original Sanskrit: "Chalitram madhuram bhramitam madhuram madhurādhīpatir akhilam madhuram"
    • Meaning: His walk is sweet, his roaming is sweet, and everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.
    • Reflection: This verse focuses on the grace and elegance in Krishna's walk and the joy he brings wherever he goes.
  4. Verse 4: Sweetness of Krishna's Divine Instruments

    • Original Sanskrit: "Venur madhuro renur madhurah panir madhurah padau madhurau"
    • Meaning: His flute is sweet, the dust of his feet is sweet, his hands are sweet, his feet are sweet.
    • Reflection: It highlights the divine instruments associated with Krishna, particularly his flute, and the sanctity of the dust from his feet.
  5. Verse 5: Sweetness of Krishna's Relationships

    • Original Sanskrit: "Nrityam madhuram sakhyam madhuram madhurādhīpatir akhilam madhuram"
    • Meaning: His dancing is sweet, his friendship is sweet, and everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.
    • Reflection: This verse praises the joy of Krishna's dance and the sweetness of his companionship, depicting him as a loving friend.
  6. Verse 6: Sweetness in Krishna's Everyday Activities

    • Original Sanskrit: "Geetam madhuram peetam madhuram bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram"
    • Meaning: His singing is sweet, his drinking is sweet, his eating is sweet, his sleeping is sweet.
    • Reflection: It describes the sweetness in Krishna's daily activities, showing that even his mundane actions are divine and delightful.
  7. Verse 7: Sweetness of Krishna's Divine Form

    • Original Sanskrit: "Rupam madhuram tilakam madhuram madhurādhīpatir akhilam madhuram"
    • Meaning: His form is sweet, his forehead mark is sweet, and everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.
    • Reflection: This verse glorifies Krishna's divine appearance and the auspicious mark on his forehead.
  8. Verse 8: Sweetness in Krishna's Deeds and Compassion

    • Original Sanskrit: "Karanam madhuram taranam madhuram madhurādhīpatir akhilam madhuram"
    • Meaning: His acts are sweet, his deliverance is sweet, and everything about the Lord of sweetness is sweet.
    • Reflection: It celebrates Krishna's merciful deeds and his role as a deliverer of souls, emphasizing his compassionate nature.

Video Link Madhurashtakam


  • The Madhurāṣṭakam beautifully captures the essence of Krishna’s divine sweetness and charm.
  • Each verse of the hymn illustrates how every aspect of Krishna, from his physical features to his actions and relationships, is imbued with an unparalleled sweetness that enchants and inspires his devotees.
  • Reciting or meditating on the Madhurāṣṭakam can deepen one's devotion and bring a sense of divine joy and peace.
