- Meaning: The dark or all-attractive one.
- Significance: The most common name used to refer to the main character of the Bhagavad Gita, who serves as the charioteer and guide of Arjuna.
- Meaning: One who gives pleasure to cows, senses, and the earth.
- Significance: Emphasizes Krishna's role as the protector and nurturer of all living beings and his close connection with the natural world.
- Meaning: One who takes away or removes.
- Significance: Reflects Krishna's role as the remover of obstacles and suffering, as well as his ability to steal the hearts of his devotees.
- Meaning: Son of Vasudeva.
- Significance: Indicates Krishna's lineage and connection to his father, Vasudeva, highlighting his divine heritage.
- Meaning: Slayer of the demon Madhu.
- Significance: Symbolizes Krishna's role as the destroyer of evil forces and protector of righteousness.
- Meaning: Lord of Yoga.
- Significance: Highlights Krishna's teachings on yoga and spiritual practices, as well as his mastery over the paths to realization.
Partha Sarathi:
- Meaning: Charioteer of Arjuna (son of Pritha).
- Significance: Refers to Krishna's role as the charioteer and guide of Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War, emphasizing his mentorship and support.
Each of these names carries deep significance and reveals different aspects of Krishna's divine nature and mission as depicted in the Bhagavad Gita.
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