Explore the sacred Dhanyashtakam, a hymn celebrating the true wealth of life. Here, you can find Sanskrit lyrics, an English translation, meaning, benefits, and video references.
The Dhanyashtakam is a revered Sanskrit hymn composed by Adi Shankaracharya. This story highlights the attributes of a truly fortunate and wealthy individual, not in terms of material wealth but spiritual richness. It emphasizes qualities like detachment, self-realization, and devotion to God as the highest form of fortune. Through its eight verses, the hymn conveys a powerful message about the transient nature of worldly possessions and the eternal value of spiritual wisdom.
Reciting Dhanyashtakam regularly helps cultivate contentment, peace, and a deeper understanding of life’s purpose.
Sloka (धन्याष्टकम् / Dhanyashtakam):
Sloka 1:
तज्ज्ञानं प्रशमकरं यदिन्द्रियाणां तज्ज्ञेयं यदुपनिषत्सु निश्चितार्थम्।
ते धन्या भुवि परमार्थनिश्चितेहा: शेषास्तु भ्रमनिलये परिभ्रमन्ति।।1।।
That knowledge calms the senses, and that truth established in the Upanishads – those who are certain about this supreme truth are truly blessed on earth. The rest keep wandering in the delusion of ignorance.
Sloka 2:
आदौ विजित्य विषयान्मदमोहरागद्वेषादिशत्रुगणमाहृतयोगराज्या:।
ज्ञात्वामृतं समनुभूतपरात्मविद्याकान्तासुखा बत ग्रहे विचरन्ति धन्या:।।2।।
First, they conquer sensory pleasures, pride, delusion, attachment, hatred, and other enemies, ruling over them like kings through the power of yoga. Blessed are they who have realized the nectar of the knowledge of the supreme self and roam about with the joy of divine wisdom.
Sloka 3:
त्यक्त्वा ग्रहे रतिमधोगतिहेतुभूतामात्मेच्छयोपनिषदर्थरसं पिबन्त:।
वीतस्पृहा विषयभोगपदे विरक्ता धन्याश्चरन्ति विजनेषु विरक्तसंगा:।।3।।
Abandoning attachment to their homes, leads to a downward path, and instead drinking the essence of the teachings of the Upanishads, they renounce worldly pleasures and desires. Such blessed souls, detached from worldly pleasures, wander freely without attachments.
Sloka 4:
त्यक्त्वा ममाहमिति बंधकरे पदे द्वे मानावमानसदृशा: समदर्शिनश्च।
कर्तारमन्यमवगम्य पदर्पितानि कुर्वन्ति कर्मपरिपाकफलानि धन्या:।।4।।
Blessed are those who renounce the binding notions of "mine" and "I", and treat respect and disrespect alike, seeing all with equanimity. Recognizing the supreme doer, they perform actions as offerings, realizing that the fruits of their actions are not in their control.
Sloka 5:
त्यक्त्वैषणात्रयमवेक्षितमोक्षमार्गा भैक्षामृतेन परिकल्पितदेहयात्रा:।
ज्योति: परात्परतरं परमात्मसंज्ञं धन्या द्विजा रहसि ह्रदघवलोकयन्ति।।5।।
Those who renounce the three desires (wealth, progeny, and fame) and follow the path to liberation, living on alms, are truly blessed. They perceive the supreme, most radiant light, known as the supreme self, within the depth of their hearts.
Sloka 6:
नासन्न सन्न सदसन्न महन्न चाणु न स्त्री पुमान्न च नपुंसकमेकबीजम्।
यैर्ब्रह्मा तत्समनुपासितमेकचित्ता धन्या विरेजुरितरे भवपाशबद्धा:।।6।।
Neither non-existent, existent, nor both, neither large nor small, neither male, female, nor neutral, but the seed of all things – those who worship Brahman with undivided attention are blessed. Others remain bound by the chains of worldly existence.
Sloka 7:
अज्ञानपंकपरिमग्नमपेतसारं दुखालयं मरणजन्मजरावसक्तम्।
संसारबंधनमनित्यमवेक्ष्य धन्या ज्ञानासिना तदवशीर्य विनिश्चयन्ति।।7।।
Seeing the impermanent bondage of worldly existence, filled with ignorance, sorrow, birth, death, and old age, the blessed ones, through the sword of knowledge, decisively cut it off and attain liberation.
Sloka 8:
साकं वनेषु विजितात्मपदस्वरूपं शास्त्रेषु सम्यगनिशं विमृशन्ति धन्या:।।8।।
Blessed are those peaceful souls of sweet nature and focused minds, free from delusion. They reside in the forests, contemplating the oneness of the self with supreme consciousness, constantly reflecting on the scriptures and realizing their true nature.
True Blessedness:
The hymn describes the true goal and blessedness as spiritual fulfillment rather than material success.Transformation of Attitude:
Spiritual life transforms one from within, changing their entire outlook on life.Contentment and Cheerfulness:
Chanting brings contentment, joy, and dignity through divine realization.Power of Renunciation:
The ability to renounce worldly pleasures leads to inner peace, devotion, and a noble character.Complete Fulfillment:
Renunciation leads to the ultimate fulfillment, opening the path to the greatest spiritual treasures.Destroys Impurities and Adversities:
Chanting Dhanyashtakam removes impurities from food, mind, and soul, and destroys adversities in life.
Additional Information:
The Dhanyashtakam praises individuals who find fulfillment not in material possessions but in the eternal wisdom of the self and God. Such people are considered truly fortunate because they understand that worldly riches and pleasures are fleeting. Instead, they focus on spiritual growth, kindness, and detachment from ego, which brings true happiness and peace.
Each verse describes qualities like the ability to rise above discomfort, renunciation of sins, seeking truth, selflessness, and recognizing the world’s impermanence. These qualities lead to inner bliss and ultimate liberation.
The Dhanyashtakam is attributed to Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest Indian philosophers and theologians. Shankaracharya is credited with revitalizing Hinduism and consolidating the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism). His stotras, like Dhanyashtakam, continue to guide spiritual seekers on the path to liberation.
Video References:
The content of this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. The interpretations provided reflect traditional teachings and should not be taken as authoritative advice. Please consult a spiritual guide or guru for personalized guidance on reciting the Dhanyashtakam or its deeper meanings.
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