Shloka 1:
नमो भूतनाथं नमो देवदेवं
नमः कालकालं नमो दिव्यतेजः ।
नमः कामभस्मं नमश्शान्तशीलं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ १॥
Salutations to the Lord of all beings, the God of gods,
Salutations to the one who is the destroyer of time and radiant with divine light.
Salutations to the one who wears the ashes of desire (Kama) and who is of peaceful nature,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 2:
सदा तीर्थसिद्धं सदा भक्तरक्षं
सदा शैवपूज्यं सदा शुभ्रभस्मम् ।
सदा ध्यानयुक्तं सदा ज्ञानतल्पं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ २॥
He is ever present at sacred places, always protecting his devotees,
He is eternally worshipped by Shaivites, always adorned with white sacred ashes.
He is ever engaged in meditation, always seated on the seat of knowledge,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 3:
श्मशाने शयानं महास्थानवासं
शरीरं गजानं सदा चर्मवेष्टम् ।
पिशाचादिनाथं पशूनां प्रतिष्ठं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ ३॥
He rests in cremation grounds, dwells in great places,
His body is like an elephant, always clothed in animal skins.
He is the Lord of spirits and demons, the protector of all beings,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 4:
फणीनागकण्ठे भुजङ्गाद्यनेकं
गले रुण्डमालं महावीर शूरम् ।
कटिव्याघ्रचर्मं चिताभस्मलेपं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ ४॥
He has snakes coiled around his neck, adorned with serpents and many other beings,
He wears a garland of skulls and is a great heroic warrior.
His waist is wrapped with a tiger's skin, and his body is smeared with ashes from the pyre,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 5:
शिरश्शुद्धगङ्गा शिवावामभागं
बृहद्दीर्घकेशं सदा मां त्रिनेत्रम् ।
फणीनागकर्णं सदा भालचन्द्रं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ ५॥
With the pure Ganga flowing from his head, seated beside Shiva on his left side,
He has long, matted locks and is the ever-gazing three-eyed one.
He is adorned with snake earrings, always bearing the crescent moon on his forehead,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 6:
करे शूलधारं महाकष्टनाशं
सुरेशं परेशं महेशं जनेशम् ।
धनेशस्तुतेशं ध्वजेशं गिरीशं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ ६॥
Holding a trident in his hand, the destroyer of great difficulties,
He is the Lord of gods, the supreme ruler, the greatest among the great.
He is the one praised by Kubera, the lord of wealth, and honored by Indra,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 7:
उदानं सुदासं सुकैलासवासं
धरा निर्धरं संस्थितं ह्यादिदेवम् ।
अजं हेमकल्पद्रुमं कल्पसेव्यं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ ७॥
He is the pure one, the eternal, who dwells in the divine Kailasa,
He is the one who holds the earth and is the primordial deity.
He is the unborn, akin to a wish-fulfilling tree, worshipped by those seeking divine gifts,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 8:
मुनीनां वरेण्यं गुणं रूपवर्णं
द्विजानं पठन्तं शिवं वेदशास्त्रम् ।
अहो दीनवत्सं कृपालुं शिवं तं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ ८॥
He is revered among sages, a form endowed with qualities, beauty, and brilliance,
He is praised by the learned Brahmins who recite the Vedic scriptures.
He is compassionate to the poor and merciful to all,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
Shloka 9:
सदा भावनाथं सदा सेव्यमानं
सदा भक्तिदेवं सदा पूज्यमानम् ।
मया तीर्थवासं सदा सेव्यमेकं
भजे पार्वतीवल्लभं नीलकण्ठम् ॥ ९॥
He is always revered as the lord of feelings and devotion,
He is always served and worshipped by the devoted.
He is the one who resides in holy places and is ever worshipped by me,
I worship Parvati’s beloved, the blue-throated Lord Shiva.
इति पार्वतीवल्लभनीलकण्ठाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम्।
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