Shiva Manasa Puja Sloka by Adi Shankracharya ji
रत्नैः कल्पितमासनं हिमजलैः स्नानं च दिव्यांबरं
नानारत्नविभूषितं मृगमदामोदांकितं चंदनम्।
जातीचंपकबिल्वपत्ररचितं पुष्पं च धूपं तथा
दीपं देव दयानिधे पशुपते हृत्कल्पितं गृह्यताम्॥
Ratnaih Kalpitam Aasanam Himajalaih Snaanam Cha Divya-Ambaram
Naanaaratna-Vibhuushhitam Mrgamadaa-Moda-Amkitam Candanam |
Jaatiicampaka-Bilvapatra-Racitam Pushpam Ca Dhuupam Tathaa
Diipam Deva Dayaanidhe Pashupate Hrt-Kalpitam Grhyataam ||
- Asana (Seat): I offer You a seat crafted from jewels.
- Snana (Bath): I bathe You with holy water from the Himalayas.
- Divine Garments: I clothe You in divine attire, adorned with precious jewels.
- Chandan (Sandalwood Paste): I anoint You with sandalwood paste mixed with musk.
- Flowers: I offer flowers like Jasmine, Champaka, and Bilva leaves.
- Dhupa (Incense): I present fragrant incense.
- Dipa (Lamp): I light a lamp as an offering.
- O Lord, the compassionate one, kindly accept these offerings created in my heart.
This prayer, known as Shiva Manasa Puja, represents the inner worship offered mentally to Lord Shiva. The devotee offers jewels, holy water, flowers, incense, and more through the mind, symbolizing devotion beyond physical objects. It emphasizes the heartfelt offerings rather than material ones.
सौवर्णनव रत्नखण्ड रचिते पात्रे घटं पायसं
भक्ष्यं पञ्चविधं पयोदधियुतं रम्भाफलं पानकम्।
शाकानामयुतं जलं रुचिकरं कर्पूरखण्डोज्ज्वलं
ताम्बूलं मनसा मया विरचितं भक्त्या प्रभो स्वीकुरु॥ २॥
Sauvarṇa-Nava-Ratna-Khaṇḍa Racite Paattre Ghattam Paayasam
Bhakssyam Pañca-Vidham Payodadhi-Yutam Rambhaa-Phalam Paanakam |
Shaakaanaam-Ayutam Jalam Rucikaram Karpuura-Khaṇḍojjvalam
Taambuulam Manasaa Mayaa Viracitam Bhaktyaa Prabho Sviikuru || 2 ||
- Payasam (Sweet Dish): In a golden vessel adorned with nine precious gems, I offer sweet porridge (payasam).
- Bhakshya (Five Varieties of Food): Five types of delicacies mixed with milk and curd.
- Fruits: Ripe bananas and other fruits.
- Paanaka (Sweet Drink): Refreshing and delicious drinks.
- Vegetables: A variety of flavorful vegetable dishes.
- Water: Cool water flavored with camphor.
- Tambulam (Betel Leaves): Betel leaves with aromatic spices.
- O Lord, these mental offerings are created with devotion, kindly accept them.
In this verse, the devotee mentally offers a variety of food, fruits, beverages, and other delicacies to Lord Shiva. The offerings are imagined with great devotion, symbolizing the deep connection between the devotee and the divine, where the physical and mental realms blend in the act of worship.
This verse fits beautifully into the flow of the Shiva Manasa Puja, enhancing the theme of mental devotion where physical offerings are replaced by heartfelt prayers.
छत्रं चामरयोर्युगं व्यजनकं चादर्शकं निर्मलं
वीणाभेरिमृदङ्गकाहलकला गीतं च नृत्यं तथा।
साष्टाङ्गं प्रणतिः स्तुतिर्बहुविधा ह्येतत्समस्तं मया
सङ्कल्पेन समर्पितं तव विभो पूजां गृहाण प्रभो॥ ३॥
Chatram Chaamarayor-Yugam Vyajanakam Cha-Adarshakam Nirmalam
Vinaa-Bheri-Mṛdangga-Kaahala-Kalaa Giitam Cha Nṛtyam Tathaa |
Saassttaanggam Praṇatih Stutir-Bahu-Vidhaa Hy-Etat-Samastam Mayaa
Samkalpena Samarpitam Tava Vibho Pujaam Grhaanna Prabho || 3 ||
- Chhatra (Umbrella): I offer You a royal umbrella.
- Chamara (Fans): Two yak-tail fans (Chamaras) to fan You.
- Vyajana (Hand Fans): Clean, soft hand fans.
- Adarsha (Mirror): A spotless mirror.
- Musical Instruments: I offer the sounds of the Veena, Bheri (drum), Mridanga, and Kahala.
- Gita (Songs): Melodious songs and hymns.
- Nritya (Dance): Devotional dances to please You.
- Prostration: I perform full prostration with eight limbs touching the ground.
- Praise: I offer various forms of praise and worship.
- O Lord, all of these offerings, created through my imagination and devotion, I present to You. Please accept my mental worship, O compassionate one.
In this verse, the devotee continues offering various items symbolizing royal worship, including an umbrella, fans, musical instruments, songs, and dance. The offerings are again mental but reflect a high level of devotion and reverence for Lord Shiva. It highlights that the sincerity and intent of the worship are far more important than the material objects.
This verse strengthens the idea of mental worship in the Shiva Manasa Puja, emphasizing that the act of devotion can transcend physical boundaries.
आत्मा त्वं गिरिजा मतिः सहचराः प्राणाः शरीरं गृहं
पूजा ते विषयोपभोगरचना निद्रासमाधिस्थितिः।
संचारः पदयोः प्रदक्षिणविधिः स्तोत्राणि सर्वा गिरो
यद्यत्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलं शम्भो तवाराधनम्॥ ४॥
Aatmaa Tvam Girijaa Matih Sahacaraah Praannaah Shariiram Grham
Puujaa Te Vissayopabhoga-Racanaa Nidraa-Samaadhi-Sthitih |
Samcaarah Padayoh Pradakssinna-Vidhih Stotraanni Sarvaa Giro
Yad-Yat-Karma Karomi Tat-Tad-Akhilam Shambho Tava-Aaradhanam || 4 ||
- Atma (Soul): You are my soul, O Lord.
- Girija (Mind): My mind is like Goddess Girija (Parvati), Your consort.
- Prana (Vital Forces): My vital forces are Your attendants.
- Sharira (Body): My body is Your temple.
- Vishayopabhoga (Sense Enjoyments): All the experiences of my senses are offerings to You.
- Nidra (Sleep): My sleep is Your state of deep meditation.
- Padayo (Walking): Walking is my circumambulation around You.
- Stotra (Praise): All my words are hymns in Your praise.
- Karma (Actions): Whatever actions I perform, I offer them all to You, O Shambhu, as worship.
In this final verse of Shiva Manasa Puja, the devotee offers their entire existence to Lord Shiva. The body, mind, soul, and all actions are seen as a form of worship. This verse signifies the ultimate surrender, where everything in the devotee’s life is considered an offering to Shiva. It encapsulates the essence of selfless devotion, where every thought and action is dedicated to the divine.
करचरण कृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वा अपराधम्।
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व
जय जय करुणाब्धे श्री महादेव शम्भो॥ ५॥
Kara-Caranna-Kṛtam Vaak-Kaayajam Karmajam Vaa
Shravaṇa-Nayanajam Vaa Maanasam Vaa-Aparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva
Jaya Jaya Karunna-Abdhe Shrii Mahaadeva Shambho || 5 ||
- Kara-Charana Kritam (Through Hands and Feet): Whatever sins I have committed through my hands and feet.
- Vaak-Kayajam (Through Speech and Body): Whatever sins I have committed through speech and the body.
- Shravana-Nayana (Through Ears and Eyes): Whatever sins I have committed through the ears and eyes.
- Manasam (Through the Mind): Whatever sins I have committed through the mind.
- Vihitam-Avihitam (Whether Deliberate or Accidental): Whether these actions were intentional or unintentional.
- Kshamasva (Forgive All): Please forgive all of them.
- Karunabdhi (Ocean of Compassion): O ocean of compassion, O Mahadeva, Shambhu!
- Jaya Jaya (Victory): Victory to You, O compassionate Lord.
In this verse, the devotee seeks forgiveness from Lord Shiva for all the mistakes and sins committed through actions, words, senses, and thoughts—whether intentional or unintentional. It represents complete surrender, asking for Shiva’s grace and compassion to cleanse the soul from all offenses. The devotee acknowledges human imperfections and prays for divine forgiveness.
The content provided here is for informational and spiritual purposes only. It reflects interpretations of the Shiva Manasa Puja from various scriptural sources. While utmost care has been taken to ensure accuracy, the translations and meanings may vary depending on individual beliefs and interpretations. Readers are encouraged to consult primary texts and spiritual guides for a deeper understanding.
Dedication :
The Shiva Manasa Puja is attributed to Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest Indian philosophers and theologians. He is renowned for his profound contributions to Advaita Vedanta and his works aimed at promoting devotion and spiritual understanding. The Shiva Manasa Puja is a beautiful composition that emphasizes mental offerings to Lord Shiva, highlighting the power of devotion from the heart and mind rather than physical rituals.
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