Shrimad Achyutashtakam(अच्युताष्टकं) by Adi Shankaracharya– Meaning, Lyrics & Benefits | Full Sloka with English Translation

 Shrimad Achyutaashtakam (अच्युताष्टकं)

Explore Shrimad Achyutashtakam, a revered hymn dedicated to Lord Vishnu, authored by Adi Shankaracharya. Discover the full sloka, English translations, and deeper meaning of Achyutashtakam, with insights into its origins, benefits, and devotion-filled verses.

Introduction and Significance of Shrimad Achyutashtakam


The Shrimad Achyutashtakam, also known as Achyutashtakam or Achyuta Ashtakam, is a beloved hymn composed by the great Advaita philosopher and sage, Adi Shankaracharya. This hymn comprises eight verses (ashtakam), each paying tribute to the divine virtues, names, and forms of Lord Vishnu, referred to here as "Achyuta," meaning the Unchanging or Imperishable One. Each verse is filled with reverence and invokes Lord Vishnu’s various aspects, highlighting Him as the protector, the destroyer of evil, and the benevolent Lord who removes suffering.

The Achyutashtakam is widely recited during worship and meditation to invoke blessings, peace, and spiritual solace. The hymn’s verses emphasize Lord Vishnu's eternal, merciful, and compassionate nature, reflecting his incarnations as Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and other avatars who uphold dharma (righteousness). For devotees, reciting this ashtakam is a form of devotional surrender, inviting divine grace, alleviation of sorrows, and liberation from worldly fears.

History and Story Behind Shrimad Achyutashtakam

The Achyutashtakam is attributed to Adi Shankaracharya (788–820 CE), one of India’s most influential spiritual philosophers. Shankaracharya's works were instrumental in reviving Hinduism and advocating for Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of non-dualism. His compositions, including the Achyutashtakam, are devotional hymns intended to guide seekers toward a deeper understanding of the Divine and ultimate reality (Brahman). In particular, the Achyutashtakam celebrates Lord Vishnu as the Supreme Being who embodies timeless qualities, transcending change and decay.

According to tradition, Shankaracharya composed the Achyutashtakam to extol the Lord's multifaceted nature and encourage contemplation of His divine play (leelas) and compassionate actions. The verses portray Lord Vishnu not only as a powerful deity but as a friend, savior, and guardian. Through His incarnations—be it as Krishna, lifting Govardhana Hill to protect the residents of Vrindavan, or as Narasimha, saving Prahlada—Vishnu demonstrates qualities that resonate with devotees and reinforce his protective, compassionate nature.

The hymn is also seen as a means of overcoming the fear of samsara, or the cycle of birth and death. Shankaracharya’s philosophy emphasizes liberation (moksha) as the ultimate goal, and hymns like the Achyutashtakam serve as a path for devotees to move beyond worldly attachments, with faith and devotion to the Lord.

1. Sanskrit and English

अच्युताच्युत हरे परमात्मन् राम कृष्ण पुरुषोत्तम विष्णो ।
वासुदेव भगवन्ननिरुद्ध श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ १॥

Transliteration: Acyutaacyuta Hare Paramaatman
Raama Krishna Purushottoma Vishno
Vaasudeva Bhagavannaniruddha
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O Achyuta (The Unchanging One), Eternal Lord, Hari, the Supreme Soul, Beautiful Rama, Dark-Hued Krishna, Best of Purushas, All-pervading Vishnu, Divine Vasudeva, and Consort of Shri, may You remove all our sorrows and afflictions completely."

विश्वमङ्गल विभो जगदीश नन्दनन्दन नृसिंह नरेन्द्र ।
मुक्तिदायक मुकुन्द मुरारे श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ २॥

Transliteration: Vishvamangala Vibho Jagadisha
Nandanandana Nrishimha Narendra
Muktidayaka Mukunda Muraare
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O Supreme Benevolent Lord of the Universe, Controller of All, Beloved Son of Nanda, Avatar of Narasimha, Sovereign Mukunda, the Giver of Liberation and Destroyer of Mura, Shri’s Lord, please alleviate all our sufferings."

रामचन्द्र रघुनायक देव दीननाथ दुरितक्षयकारिन् ।
यादवेद्र यदुभूषण यज्ञ श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ३॥

Transliteration: Ramachandra Raghunayaka Deva
Dinanatha Duritakshayakaarin
Yaadavendra Yadubhooshana Yajna
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O Ramachandra, Lord of the Raghus, Protector of the Poor and Humble, Eradicator of Sin, Jewel of the Yadavas, Embodiment of Sacrifice, Shri’s Lord, may You relieve us of all our sorrows and distress."

देवकीतनय दुःखदवाग्ने राधिकारमण रम्यसुमूर्ते ।
दुःखमोचन दयार्णवनाथ श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ४॥

Transliteration: Devaki Tanaya Dukhadavaagne
Radhika-Ramana Ramya-Sumoorte
Dukhamochana Dayarnava Naatha
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O Son of Devaki, Fierce Fire that burns away sorrows, Beloved of Radha, Beautiful One, Liberator from Pain, Compassionate Ocean, Shri’s Beloved, kindly dispel all of our afflictions entirely."

गोपिकावदनचन्द्रचकोर नित्य निर्गुण निरञ्जन जिष्णो ।
पूर्णरूप जय शङ्कर सर्व श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ५॥

Transliteration: Gopika-Vadana-Chandra-Cakora
Nitya Nirguna Niranjana Jishnu
Poornaroopa Jaya Shankara Sarva
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O Eternal Lord, Pure and Untouched, Embodiment of Victory and Completeness, You Who are to Gopikas' faces like a Cakora bird to the moon, Shri’s Beloved, please remove our pains and difficulties entirely."

गोकुलेश गिरिधारण धीर यामुनाच्छतटखेलनवीर ।
नारदादिमुनिवन्दितपाद श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ६॥

Transliteration: Gokulesha Giridharana Dhira
Yamunaaccha-Tata-Khelana Veera
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O Lord of Gokula, Lifter of Govardhana, Courageous One Who played on the banks of Yamuna, Worshipped by sages like Narada, Shri’s Beloved, please dispel all our sorrow and pain."

द्वारकाधिप दुरन्तगुणाब्धे प्राणनाथ परिपूर्ण भवारे ।
ज्ञानगम्य गुणसागर ब्रह्मन् श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ७॥

Transliteration: Dwarakadhipa Durantagunaabdhe
Prananaatha Paripoorna Bhavaare
Jnanagamya Gunasagara Brahman
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O King of Dwaraka, Ocean of Virtues, Supreme Soul, Attainable through Knowledge, Shri’s Beloved, please free us from every affliction entirely."

दुष्टनिर्दलन देव दयालो पद्मनाभ धरणीधरधारिन् ।
रावणान्तक रमेश मुरारे श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम् ॥ ८॥

Transliteration: Dushtanirdalana Deva Dayalo
Padmanabha Dharanidhara Dharmin
Raavanantaka Ramesha Muraare
Shripate Shamaya Dukhamashesham.

Meaning: "O Benevolent Vanquisher of Evil, Lotus-naveled Lord, Upholder of Dharma, Destroyer of Ravana, Lord of Shri, and Foe of Mura, kindly dispel all of our suffering and pain."

अच्युताष्टकमिदं रमणीयं निर्मितं भवभयं विनिहन्तुम् ।
यः पठेद्विषयवृत्तिनिवृत्तिर्जन्मदुःखमखिलं स जहाति ॥ ९॥ (
Closing Sloka)

Transliteration: Achyutaashtakamidam Ramaniyam
Nirmitam Bhavabhayam Vinihantum
Yah Pathed Vishaya-Vrittinivrittir
Janmadukhamakhilam Sa Jahati.

Meaning: "This beautiful Achyutashtakam, composed to remove the fear of Samsara, will relieve from the sorrows of birth and death those who recite it with detachment from worldly desires."

"इति श्रीशङ्करभगवत्पादकृतम् अच्युताष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ।"


The Achyutashtakam remains a cherished hymn for its simple yet profound verses, which remind devotees of Lord Vishnu’s presence and grace and help them connect with his many forms in times of joy and distress.



"This content is intended for educational and devotional purposes. Interpretations and translations are provided for better understanding and should be regarded as supplementary to traditional teachings. Readers are encouraged to consult knowledgeable spiritual teachers for deeper insights into the meanings and practices of Hindu hymns."

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