Srimad Achyutashtakam: Divine Prayer for Removing Sufferings and Attaining Bliss by Adi Shankracharya

 Srimad Achyutashtakam

Explore the profound verses of

Srimad Achyutashtakam, a beautiful hymn composed by Adi Shankaracharya. Chant these sacred slokas to invoke Lord Vishnu and relieve yourself from life's miseries and suffering. 


Srimad Achyutashtakam, composed by the great philosopher and saint Adi Shankaracharya, is a profound hymn dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Each verse extols the infinite virtues of Lord Vishnu, the protector of the universe, highlighting His various forms as Rama, Krishna, Narasimha, and others. Chanting this sacred stotra with devotion is believed to invoke the grace of Lord Vishnu and eliminate worldly sufferings, guiding devotees toward spiritual liberation.

The hymn is composed of eight stanzas, each filled with deep spiritual meanings and praises for Lord Vishnu. The Achyutashtakam is not just a prayer but also a way to connect with the divine presence, shedding the fears and attachments of this world while embracing the eternal. 

Benefits of Chanting Srimad Achyutashtakam:

  1. Removes Sufferings: Reciting the Achyutashtakam is believed to alleviate physical, mental, and spiritual distress. By invoking Lord Vishnu, it helps devotees overcome obstacles and difficulties in life.

  2. Protection and Peace: The prayer seeks Lord Vishnu's divine protection, offering peace of mind, especially in times of distress and hardship.

  3. Spiritual Growth: Chanting this hymn regularly aids in spiritual growth by fostering a sense of devotion, detachment from worldly desires, and leading one closer to moksha (liberation).

  4. Calms the Mind: The rhythmic chant of the stotram brings tranquility to the mind, reducing stress and anxiety, while focusing the mind on divine thoughts.

  5. Divine Blessings: It is said that chanting the Achyutashtakam brings blessings from Lord Vishnu, particularly for those seeking guidance and protection in their personal and professional lives.

Slokas and English Meanings:

1. अच्युताच्युत हरे परमात्मन् राम कृष्ण पुरुषोत्तम विष्णो। वासुदेव भगवन्ननिरुद्ध श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"Oh Achyuta, the infallible Lord! O Hari, the Supreme Soul! You are Raama, Krishna, the highest being, and Vishnu. O Vasudeva, the one who pervades all, the Lord of Aniruddha, and the consort of Shri, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

2. विश्वमङ्गल विभो जगदीश नन्दनन्दन नृसिंह नरेन्द्र। मुक्तिदायक मुकुन्द मुरारे श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"O Lord who brings auspiciousness to the world, the ruler of the universe! O son of Nanda, the Man-Lion Narasimha, supreme king! O giver of liberation, Mukunda, destroyer of the demon Mura, and consort of Shri, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

3. रामचन्द्र रघुनायक देव दीननाथ दुरितक्षयकारिन्। यादवेद्र यदुभूषण यज्ञ श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"O Raamachandra, the leader of the Raghu clan, O Lord! O protector of the helpless, the one who destroys all sins, the king of the Yadavas, the ornament of the Yadu dynasty, and the embodiment of sacrifice, O consort of Shri, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

4. देवकीतनय दुःखदवाग्ने राधिकारमण रम्यसुमूर्ते। दुःखमोचन दयार्णवनाथ श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"O son of Devaki, the one who burns away all sufferings like a forest fire, the beloved of Radha, the one with a captivating form! O remover of sorrows, ocean of compassion, O consort of Shri, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

5. गोपिकावदनचन्द्रचकोर नित्य निर्गुण निरञ्जन जिष्णो। पूर्णरूप जय शङ्कर सर्व श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"O Lord, who gazes upon the moon-like faces of the Gopis, eternal and beyond all attributes, pure and victorious! O perfect form, conqueror of all, the consort of Shri, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

6. गोकुलेश गिरिधारण धीर यामुनाच्छतटखेलनवीर। नारदादिमुनिवन्दितपाद श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"O Lord of Gokula, the one who lifted the Govardhana mountain with great strength, the playful one on the banks of the Yamuna! O consort of Shri, whose feet are worshipped by great sages like Narada, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

7. द्वारकाधिप दुरन्तगुणाब्धे प्राणनाथ परिपूर्ण भवारे। ज्ञानगम्य गुणसागर ब्रह्मन् श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"O Lord of Dwaraka, ocean of endless virtues, beloved of all beings! The one who is perfect and full, the destroyer of worldly existence, and attainable through knowledge, O consort of Shri, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

8. दुष्टनिर्दलन देव दयालो पद्मनाभ धरणीधरधारिन्। रावणान्तक रमेश मुरारे श्रीपते शमय दुःखमशेषम्॥

"O destroyer of the wicked, merciful Lord! O Padmanabha, the one who supports the earth, and slayer of Ravana! O consort of Shri and enemy of Mura, please dispel all my sorrows and sufferings completely."

9. अच्युताष्टकमिदं रमणीयं निर्मितं भवभयं विनिहन्तुम्। यः पठेद्विषयवृत्तिनिवृत्तिर्जन्मदुःखमखिलं स जहाति॥

"This beautiful Achyutashtakam is composed to remove the fear of worldly existence. Whoever recites it with a mind detached from worldly desires will be freed from all the sorrows and sufferings of birth and death."

Closing Remark: Composed by the revered Adi Shankaracharya, the Achyutashtakam glorifies the eternal Lord Vishnu and seeks his divine grace to dispel all forms of suffering and attain liberation.

Resources and Videos:

Here are some helpful resources and videos to deepen your understanding and chanting practice of Srimad Achyutashtakam:


While chanting sacred hymns like Srimad Achyutashtakam is considered spiritually beneficial, it should be noted that it is not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or therapy. The benefits of chanting depend on the individual's faith and devotion, and results may vary. Always approach these practices with respect and sincerity.
